Understanding Food Cravings: What They Really Mean

We’ve all been there. Standing in front of the fridge, shoving the baby carrots aside, and reaching for the cheesecake instead. You’ve heard if you’re really hungry you’ll eat those carrots—or an apple—but the pull that cheesecake has on you . . .? It’s hard to resist that craving. So hard. If food cravings are…

Chronic Urticaria Symptoms – More Than Hives

Are you struggling with chronic urticaria and other mystery symptoms? Chronic urticaria symptoms extend beyond a simple itchy rash, often presenting a complex picture with seemingly unrelated yet common issues. According to this study, approximately 2/3 of participants reported additional symptoms. In a recent survey conducted in a Facebook support group for chronic urticaria, results mirrored these…

Chronic Hives Tests: Find Your Root Cause

SUMMARY: In this article, we delve into chronic hives tests. Chronic spontaneous urticaria is usually diagnosed without running a lot of tests. Chronic hives can be attributed to an overactive immune response, and the treatment is the same regardless of underlying factors. Because of the approach that traditional medicine takes to treat symptoms instead of…

What Caused My Hives?

What caused my hives? This is a question that you have probably thought to yourself many times. I have been dealing with inducible urticaria since childhood, but I developed daily spontaneous hives in my mid-twenties.  It took me years to find what caused my hives. My physician was dismissive and cold, and that led me…

Treating Hives While Pregnant: A Guide to Safe Medications

Are you battling chronic hives while pregnant? Or maybe you are trying to conceive and want to make sure that your medications are safe prior to becoming pregnant. It’s tough, right? You don’t want to risk harm to your baby, but chronic hives are hard to live with. Fortunately, many women do experience remission of…